Monday, August 18, 2008

WIMN UK Training Day for Women Leaders

Empowering women leaders to empower others...

Renewing of the Mind--a Time of Restoration and Healing.

When: Saturday 27th Sept 2008, 9am –1pm
Where: Birmingham Christian Centre, Parade, Birmingham B1 3QQ
Special Guest Speaker: Mrs Pauline Anderson, a seasoned counsellor, speaker and a woman of God who is passionate about releasing you to fulfill your purpose and potential.
Cost: £5.00

A light continental breakfast will be provided.

Booking: Contact Patricia at 0788 6905926 or SharonS07515657649 or Email:

Booking fee is non-refundable 14 days before date of the event. W.I.M.N.UK provides fellowship, ministry and networking with like-minded women leaders: Pastors/Pastor's wives, Ministers, Itinerant Ministers and Businesswomen.