Wednesday, February 6, 2008

WIMN Outreach in Thailand and Philippines

WIMN was able to minister to many ladies in both Bangkok, Thailand and Lucena City, Philippines in October 2007. Apostle Sharon Predovich and Rev. Nola Beintema spent two weeks in the Far East doing several meetings tailored just for women and women leaders. Thailand is just in the infancy stage of developing women ministers, as the spiritual climate there is still very hard. On the other hand, the Philippines' spiritual atmosphere was very open to ministry to women. During an all-day seminar for women leaders, the anointing of the Lord was extremely strong. At one point the Lord sovereignly manifested Himself as the God of Favor. The ladies were beside themselves in the glory of the Lord!

The Philippines' WIMN national leader Apostle Jane Ramboyong is doing a fabulous job networking women leaders in her nation, and especially in her region. Please enjoy the photos below!

Dr. Sharon Predovich ministered to women leaders in a Burmese Church in
Bangkok, Thailand. Her messages were translated from English to Thai to
Burmese at each meeting!

Dr. Sharon Predovich taught on "Women Champions" in an empty room
of a large mall in Lucena City. The anointing was so strong that shoppers
stood near the hallway door to see what was going on!

Dr. Sharon Predovich makes an altar call for women who feel a
"call to the nations" during a special women leaders' meeting
in Lucena City, Philippines.

Pastoral Leaders of Lucena City pose with WIMN Leaders -
left to right: Pastor Lucy Parco of Philippine Good News Church,
Rev. Nola Beintema of Resurrection Life Church in Minnesota,
Apostle Sharon Predovich Founder of WIMN International and
Senior Co-Pastor of Resurrection Life Ministries, Eden Prairie, Minnesota,
Apostle Jane Ramboyong of Philippine Good News Ministries,
and Rev. Joan Ty of Victory Christian Fellowship in Lucena City.

Pastor Lucy Parco and Nola Beintema share a big hug. Lucy and
her husband Andy pastor the home church of Philippine Good News
International Ministries in Lucena City.

Nola Beintema shared her testimony of her first mission trip ever
to the Philippines in 1989. She told of the supernatural events of that
particular mission outreach and her "call to the nations"
as a result of participating in that mission trip.

Check out the huge poster on the wall announcing
the event! Thank the Lord for Glamour Shots photo studios!

Group shot of some of the 220 ladies that attended the
"Fulfilling Your Destiny" Seminar in Lucena City, Philippines
in October 2007.

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