Wednesday, April 9, 2008

OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry

Obstacle # 7: The big accusation word: control.

None of us wants to be labeled as controlling or as a Jezebel. In the secular world, control is simply the leadership required to run a company, manage a household or keep things in order. But when applied to the work of God's kingdom, the devil makes accusations of control. He tempts people to distrust leaders, especially when that leader is female. This hinders the development of God's work.

How did I overcome this accusation? I evaluated my actions, studied scriptural truth, sought godly input and settled in my heart that I was not controlling. As long as we follow the Lord diligently, stay teachable, repent of ungodly ways and listen to His voice, we will remain pure in our motives. Revelation of who we are in Him conquers every intimidating force.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the business world you would be concidered a stratigic planner with excellent attention to detail.
Why is it the world is so far ahead of the church when it comes to women in leadership?
Why is it ok for a women to run a company but not a church?
Why is it exceptable for a women to be gone for 2-3 weeks on a business trip but when she wants to go on a mission trip suddenly she is a bad wife and mother?
Why is it exceptable for a women to work 50-60 hours a week at a job but when she wants to pursue her ministry then suddenly she needs to be home feeding her family?
Why is it ok for a women to make hard desions such as hiring and firing people but when she corrects the Body of Christ she is out of line?
Have we gone too far with grace?
Why are the standards so different?
Should we not correct people that question our authority?
Did we not get our authority from God?
Why is that people think that it is ok to question the desion of a pastor or leader but would never question their boss.
Should our priority not be to the masters call?
I no longer feel guilty for the time I spend in ministry because I must be about my father's business!