Monday, August 18, 2008
WIMN UK Training Day for Women Leaders
Renewing of the Mind--a Time of Restoration and Healing.
When: Saturday 27th Sept 2008, 9am –1pm
Where: Birmingham Christian Centre, Parade, Birmingham B1 3QQ
Special Guest Speaker: Mrs Pauline Anderson, a seasoned counsellor, speaker and a woman of God who is passionate about releasing you to fulfill your purpose and potential.
Cost: £5.00
A light continental breakfast will be provided.
Booking: Contact Patricia at 0788 6905926 or SharonS07515657649 or Email:
Booking fee is non-refundable 14 days before date of the event. W.I.M.N.UK provides fellowship, ministry and networking with like-minded women leaders: Pastors/Pastor's wives, Ministers, Itinerant Ministers and Businesswomen.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Upcoming WIMN UK Events
Esther Beauty Evening – 31st July 2008 6.30pm
Click here for more details regarding this special event.
Leaders Training Day – 27th September 2008 10-4pm
Annual WIMN Conference – 22nd November 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
WIMN Worcester Launch Conference:
Breath of Heaven
Rev. 4.1: Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.
A prophetic gathering to experience impartation, personal ministry and equipping--for such a time as this.
Cost: £15.00 per person includes Lunch
Email: or
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
W.I.M.N. UK Invites You...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
8.30am - 11.00am
There will be a light continental breakfast.
Erdington Elim Church -- 1107 Tyburn Road, Birmingham B24 0TG
A powerful time--hearing from women on the frontlines. Empowerment. Fellowship. Prayer. You won't want to miss it!
RSVP: by Monday, April 21
Contact: Patricia: 07886905926 or Sharon 07515657649
Empowering Women Leaders to Empower Others...join us!
Friday, April 11, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
So what does the future hold for women in ministry? Here's what I see:
- men awakening to the gifts of women and encouraging their development to advance the Lord's work.
- a new vocabulary emerging in the church to incorporate women into ministry. There will be a shunning of old terminology that identifies women as harlots, deceptive and lesser.
- many female-led ministries developing in foreign countries and operating with tremendous favor, authority and power.
- more female pastors successfully leading churches and being welcomed into both their communities and denominations.
- women apostles developing networks of female ministers.
- male pastors encouraging their spouses alongside them in team ministry. Remember when God called Abraham in Genesis 17 to father the nations? In that very same chapter He also called Sarah to mother the nations. God said that out of them the leaders would come -- out of the cooperation of the two.
For the female, her set time has come. This is a new day and a time of new beginnings for women in ministry.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
Often I have been passed by at a fellowship table and have not been recognized as a minister. I have attended pastors' meetings with my women associates, and no one would talk to us or even recognize our presence. If I took my husband or a male associate, then other male pastors might engage in conversation with me since I was with a man.
I have found the secular world does a much better job relating and communicating between the sexes than the church world does. We talk love, but we just do not know how to exercise it well with co-laborers of the opposite sex in God's kingdom.
As I look back over my years of ministry, many things have happened to challenge my character, calling and heart before God. Each obstacle has helped me mature as a woman minister. In the process God has taken my basic feminine lamb-like nature and equipped me to also be a lion. I have discovered that operating in both mercy and might requires the furnace of affliction, His power to overcome, His Word to reveal truth and His love to forgive.
God's will fulfilled in my life is more important to me than being ignored, ridiculed or used as a token. I have found peace with my Lord and Maker and do not need to defend myself, prove myself or do anything other than obey my Father's will. God fights for me. I believe there is greater merit in forgetting those things which are behind and pressing forward toward the mark of a higher calling, rising above all obstacles to accomplish the full purpose of God in my life.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
None of us wants to be labeled as controlling or as a Jezebel. In the secular world, control is simply the leadership required to run a company, manage a household or keep things in order. But when applied to the work of God's kingdom, the devil makes accusations of control. He tempts people to distrust leaders, especially when that leader is female. This hinders the development of God's work.
How did I overcome this accusation? I evaluated my actions, studied scriptural truth, sought godly input and settled in my heart that I was not controlling. As long as we follow the Lord diligently, stay teachable, repent of ungodly ways and listen to His voice, we will remain pure in our motives. Revelation of who we are in Him conquers every intimidating force.
Friday, March 28, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
As we started the church in 1990, we announced I would be the senior pastor and my husband would assist me. Some leaders talked behind my back and said it would never work. Others laughed and thought I was crazy.
Amazingly, I found some of the most vocal objectors to women being pastors are women. Just recently a lady approached me at a conference I was attending and asked forgiveness for judging me. Her opinion was that women could not pastor because they were too emotional. While sitting in a workshop taught by J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine and author of the book 10 Lies the Church Tells Women (Charisma House), God told her she was in error and must ask for forgiveness. I was shocked she felt that way, as she had never shown any negative behavior toward me.
Several months after I embarked in this senior pastor adventure, a man came in my office to say he loved the church, but he could not sit under a woman pastor. I asked him what he feared, and he became very unsettled. I felt the problem was not me as the female, but rather his acceptance of his being a man. Could I rob his manhood by being a woman in leadership over him? This was my question to him. Ultimately he decided to stay, and today that man is one of my main church leaders.
A few church members made comments about the need for a man to fill the pulpit. I heard things such as, "Bill has such a pastor's heart." I wondered what kind of heart they thought I had!
There was continual pressure to give up my position. Words have power over us, and eventually I began to entertain the suggestions. I just wanted to do God's best. I had started the church, but I began thinking maybe someone else should continue it. I actually began to believe a man could do this better and quietly implemented a search for a replacement, little by little convincing myself God wanted a man leading our congregation.
During this time of deluded thinking, an evangelist came to our church to minister. At one service the power of God was strong and people began to prostrate themselves on the floor. Feeling the leading of the Holy Spirit, I laid down directly behind our pulpit and immediately God spoke to me: "You have not treasured the pulpit I have given you. Who are you to give it to someone else?"
Instantly I realized gender was not an issue with God. Never again would I take lightly the divine purpose He had for my life.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
The lifestyle God had specifically called me to was the fifth hurdle I had to conquer. The Lord had called me to full-time ministry, but not my husband. Bill was a businessman who loved his secular job, and I loved the kingdom's work.
The two of us did not struggle with this, but we heard and felt the opinions of others. Some said if God calls the wife, He would certainly call the husband alongside. Others warned having different callings would divide our marriage. We were told God's order was for Bill to be the head of the ministry, and I was out of order in leading.
No one questions a male pastor whose wife works in the secular world. But people constantly come against a female pastor whose husband works in the business arena.
I spent the early years in our marriage supporting Bill's occupational changes and moves. I never complained and always yielded what I was doing to follow and assist him. However, when I turned forty years old, God clearly spoke to me to start a church -- through a vision of handwriting on a wall while I was in a Mexican restaurant. At the same time God spoke to my husband, who was in another state on business, telling him to "help Sharon start a church." God showed Bill a "movie" of our past with me encouraging him year after year. Now it was his turn to help me.
We were both surprised at God's command, but who were we to tell Him no? We knew this format was not the norm, but we had God's grace for our particular lifestyle assignments. At that time I found comfort in the book of Judges, where I read about Deborah, who became a leader with her husband in a supporting role.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
At one point I found myself in a supportive position of pastoring under male leadership. This man was kind and very good to me in many ways. However, he said he could not call me "assistant pastor" due to my gender. Instead he would call me a "pastoral assistant." I did not understand the difference, but he felt the distinction was necessary.
Years later I was still in the same conflict. Someone wanted to appoint me to a specific office of leadership but was struggling with my title. A decision was made to set me in the position with another man and call us "co-directors." We were the only co-directors in our fellowship in the nation, but evidently the leadership felt safer about this arrangement since I was a female.
The leaders in both these situations had no problem with my ministry calling, but both told me other people did. Supposedly these semantics games were the best ways to deal with church politics. Interestingly, when my co-director resigned his position, the leadership kept me as the only female director in the fellowship. God has a way of working things out on our behalf if we will trust Him.
Similarly, as I started attending pastors' conferences, I discovered the terminology used was "pastor and wife." While the women were sent to fashion shows and luncheons, the men were trained, equipped and feeding on the meat of the Word. I am not against fashion shows, but I went to those conferences to learn, grow and mature as a minister.
I needed help, someone to encourage my gifting and give correction if needed. I tried one conference after another looking for ministry support. Finally I realized the help was not out there for women ministers, so I developed Women's International Minister's Network (WIMN), a vehicle to train women for ministry.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
WIMNUK Meeting - Please join us!
Birmingham WIMNUK Group | |
Please come and join us! | |
Thursday, March 20, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
One day in the early 1970's, the Lord instructed me to call a citywide revival prayer meeting. This had never been done in my city, and I had no previous experience from which to draw.
Innocently I phoned local ministry leaders to come to my home to pray on a Friday night. They came, but one man in the group immediately challenged my right to direct the meeting. Since God never said I had to be in charge, I was not threatened. But when he suggested that only the men lead the prayer each night, I was quite disheartened.
Suddenly I found myself as a spokes-woman for all the females. Why couldn't we lead? What was wrong with a woman overseeing the prayer times? My simple obedience to do what God had asked brought me face to face with the gender issue in ministry.
Eventually the prayer times were divided among all present. Did God honor those prayer meetings? I don't know, but I did learn that responding to God's call and getting it done are not the same. I had no idea there would be controversy about a female leading a prayer meeting.
I also learned that revival cannot come to a community when leaders have their own agendas. As God worked on our hearts those days and nights, we prayed that walls would fall. We did not experience revival then, but we did learn that revival could not come without unity -- men and women alike.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
This was another obstacle that surfaced as I desired to grow in my calling. As a female, I had no one to train me in ministry. Someone warned me to be careful because "women can be easily deceived." I became concerned that maybe I could get into error.
Yet day after day people came to my home for ministry, deliverance, healing and teaching. My prayer life grew, and many times I would pray all day long at home.
I asked the Holy Spirit about my lack of a mentor, and He led me to 1 John 2: 20-21, 27: "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth...But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him" (NKJV).
Wow! The Holy Spirit would be my Teacher and Trainer! The very next day the Holy Spirit led me to several books on prayer in a Christian bookstore. Through these books I realized He could equip me for ministry without a man's help. The Holy Spirit Himself kept me from error as I developed in my call.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
My first challenge revolved around the issue of submission. As a female leader, I was scrutinized extensively regarding my submissive nature. I had always thought of myself as a submissive person, but when ministry became my goal, submission became an issue I had to grapple with and fully understand.
As young believers, my husband Bill and I encountered well-meaning Christians who suggested we submit ourselves to their authority. Many felt Bill needed to keep me under his thumb.
I was starting prayer meetings, leading people to Christ, preaching and sharing the gospel all the time. According to them, this was a man's job. I was not sure what that meant. Jesus called us to disciple, to "go," but now I needed to ask my husband's permission?
Finally Bill told them we did not believe God wanted that arrangement. They had a fit! Being new to the ways of God, we really had to trust that we were hearing the Lord's voice. He taught us that submission was an attitude of the heart. The Lord began to speak to me about submitting to Him and to my husband. We could mutually trust and work as a unified team.
Submission WAS in my heart, and I needed to establish that I was a submitted person. But this did not mean others were free to run my life for me, or that a man must scrutinize all my decisions because he was "free of deception" and I was not. I spent years coming to the understanding that God sees submission as a willingness to serve Him. A love of mankind causes one to deny himself or herself for the good of others.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
OVERCOMING the Obstacles to Women in Ministry
As I share my challenges, I pray you will hear my heart and nothing else. I do not blame men, hate men, wish to be a man or desire a man's nature. I love being a woman! I enjoy my femininity and the opportunity to work with both men and women. My only prayer is to see women reach their full potential in God and align with Him in their destiny on earth.
Obstacles are barriers or restrictions that we run into along life's path. Some we just jump over, some we go around, some we knock down, and some take great energy to conquer. I look forward to sharing with you EIGHT of the obstacles I have faced as a woman minister!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Judas Test
"If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising himself against me, I could hide from him. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God" (Psalm 55:12-14).
Os Hillman writes..... Betrayal is one of the most difficult tests that we will ever face because it involves being wounded by someone we trust. It's hard not to become bitter when a friend or family member wounds us. It takes a lot of Christ-like grace to forgive a traitor. You have probably faced the Judas Test yourself. Everyday you and I work in a marketplace that is rife with betrayal, deception, duplicity, and treachery. Perhaps you have been betrayed by your boss or a coworker. Or perhaps somebody betrayed a confidence or stabbed you in the back. It may have even been someone you've gone to church with or prayed with - someone you trusted as a brother or sister in Christ. The Judas kiss stings worse than a slap across the face. Almost every leader I know has experienced that sting at one time or another. Yet God is watching to see how we respond to the Judas Test. If we pass the test, He can then take us to the next level, the next test. If we fail, we'll probably have to repeat the test until we learn to forgive. The Judas Test is God's graduate level course in faith, designed to reveal the truth about ourselves: Are we willing to trust Him enough to forgive the Judases in our lives? The book of Hebrews warns, "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many" (Psalm 12:15). When we refuse to forgive we risk infecting others with a "bitter root" of resentment.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Can you imagine what it was like for Jesus, who was continually slandered, accused of wrong doing and blasphemy? All the religious leaders throught they knew what Jesus should or shouldn't do. Jesus could have put them in their place, called fire down from heaven, or destroyed them in some way. He could have retaliated, repeated their faults, or responded in a negative way. But, the Bible says, "He entrusted Himself to Him Who judges justly."
That is God's Word to us today. Let's release all the hurtful accusations and entrust ourselves to Him! Let's place our total faith in the One Who can redeem us and clear our names. When wrongfully accused, let's ask God to give us grace to respond by staying aligned in Him.
Lord, we put our reputation in Your trust and care. We choose to experience Your Presence and anointing in greater measure than ever before. We entrust ourselves to You Who judges justly!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Time seems to fly by, doesn’t it? It seems like only yesterday we were starting the W.I.M.N. organization, and now almost eleven years have passed. As we continue to seek the Lord’s direction regarding our vision, God is continually guiding to new and exciting endeavors each step of the way. One such development is our new web site BLOG. Yes, we have taken that giant leap of faith into cyberspace! We truly believe this will be an excellent way to keep in touch with all our ministry friends around the world. Please take time to contact us and let us know what the Lord is doing in you and your ministry!
Blogging Blessings!
Apostle Sharon Predovich
WIMN Outreach in Thailand and Philippines
The Philippines' WIMN national leader Apostle Jane Ramboyong is doing a fabulous job networking women leaders in her nation, and especially in her region. Please enjoy the photos below!
Bangkok, Thailand. Her messages were translated from English to Thai to
Burmese at each meeting!
of a large mall in Lucena City. The anointing was so strong that shoppers
stood near the hallway door to see what was going on!
"call to the nations" during a special women leaders' meeting
in Lucena City, Philippines.
left to right: Pastor Lucy Parco of Philippine Good News Church,
Rev. Nola Beintema of Resurrection Life Church in Minnesota,
Apostle Sharon Predovich Founder of WIMN International and
Senior Co-Pastor of Resurrection Life Ministries, Eden Prairie, Minnesota,
Apostle Jane Ramboyong of Philippine Good News Ministries,
and Rev. Joan Ty of Victory Christian Fellowship in Lucena City.
her husband Andy pastor the home church of Philippine Good News
International Ministries in Lucena City.
to the Philippines in 1989. She told of the supernatural events of that
particular mission outreach and her "call to the nations"
as a result of participating in that mission trip.
the event! Thank the Lord for Glamour Shots photo studios!
WIMN - United Kingdom is Launched!
Rev. Sharon Pennant (WIMN Director in England)
and Rev. Nola Beintema take time to smile for the camera.
WIMN is very excited to be working with Sharon Pennant
and her U.K. team!
Christian Radio Program on the BBC,
doing the sign-off prayer over the air waves at midnight.
with those who attended the one day WIMN LAUNCH Seminar.
to a group of 45 ladies one evening at a meeting at Top Barn Farm,
out in the English countryside.
from London, who led praise and worship at the event,
join hearts in prayer at the WIMN - UK Launch.