Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dreaming God's Dreams

We have been talking about dreams...good dreams and bad dreams. In Genesis 28:10 -17 we read about Jacob's dream. He sees a ladder with angels ascending and descending. Jacob has left home and is alone in a field when God visits him.

If you and I evaluated this, we would probably say he didn't deserve an encounter with God. But evidently there was more to Jacob than what we can see. God had a plan for his life and Jacob needed to know the true God, the One his parents and grandparents knew. He could no longer say he didn't know Him.

I believe this encounter began to work adjustments in Jacob's heart. He eventually ended up wrestling with God until his whole nature surrendered to the Lord. Dreams have a way of working inside us to change us. Have you had a dream that has been working in you? Have you changed due to your dream?

I'd love to hear about those dreams!

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