Thursday, May 14, 2009

Women Champions - 1

Everyone loves a champion. We have champions in history, sports, civil rights, and more. Champions are defined as people who have won a race, been victorious through an obstacle, conquered in battle, or overcome a hurdle. Champions are looked up to, emulated, and talked about -- some for centuries, others just momentarily.

A few years ago my father-in-law went home to be with the Lord. He was 84 years old, and to all our family members, he was a bona fide champion. He spent a lifetime helping people in all sorts of capacities. His funeral was attended by all ages, from young children to senior citizens, each with a story to tell of how this man had touched their lives. He had shoveled walks for the elderly never taking a dollar for his services, brought food to the hungry, and provided jobs for the unemployed. This champion had invested his life in others.

Most certainly we can find champions in the Scriptures. Their stories were included in God's Word to encourage us and serve as role models for developing our own spiritual lives. Joshua, called to march into the Promised Land, was told to be strong and courageous. He couldn't be a champion if he feared the giants in the land.

Moses withstood the pressures of a king, a culture, and a rebellious people that we might see him bring deliverance to a people in bondage. Gideon felt he was the least in Manasseh and the youngest in his father's house. Yet God called him to be a champion. This champion asked for favor and signs to prove God was talking to him (Judges 6). He did not feel like a champion, but he was called to be one.

What other Bible characters can you think of who demonstrate championship in their lives? I'd love to hear how their exploits have helped you press on!

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